Monday, April 18, 2011

IC: An Unpredictable Beast

Sometimes I think what I hate the most about IC is its unpredictability. In life, I have always been a planner. I was always the person who would have my weekend plans ironed out by Wednesday night. I was the person back in school who would finish a paper due on Tuesday by Sunday.  IC is a planner's nightmare.

Life with IC is like waking up everyday and 
having to roll a set of dice.
An IC patient can be fine one minute and in 10 pain the next. The pain can be so bad that it shoots through your bladder and your leg and flat out just makes you nauseous. IC flares are so mysterious. IC flares ruin plans, ruin days, ruin nights. Sometimes I may even be on the way some place and feel fine and then feel sick by the time I get there. Sometimes I will live life carefree and "normal" for five days straight and then BOOM out of nowhere my IC likes to remind me that I am not alone in my own body.

All IC patients have medications and tips and tricks to attempt to avoid flares, but nothing is guaranteed to work. Since no one knows what exactly causes IC, flares find their ways to surface. 

I wish IC had a pattern, had a rhythm, had some sort of cycle...but it doesn't. I don't think I have ever cancelled plans on someone until IC came along. I love reliability, but IC does not. 

I'll keep this post short and sweet: IC is an unpredictable beast. I wish someone would figure out how to tame this beast already. 


Anonymous said...

i have had ic for over ten years. i quit my job because of the pain. the pain brought me to my knees.
i changed primary care drs. and found a good one. he said, " so, you have had the flu and a uti for ten years". oh yeah!!! i was using lidocaine cream for the pain.
he gave me elmiron and i have a great deal of relief. i'll buy a wig if i lose my hair- anything but that kind of pain.

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