Saturday, February 19, 2011

You know you suffer from chronic female pain when...

Pain is no fun.  When you suffer from chronic female pain, you have to adapt your lifestyle to deal with many unfortunate issues.  I hope that other ladies can find some familiarity, comfort and a little humor in this list.

You know you suffer from chronic female pain when...

-It no longer phases you to bring a seating cushion to restaurants.

-You have no sympathy for those women who think they understand what it feels like to have IC because they had a UTI once during their freshman year of college.

-You have put ice packs and heating packs in places that other women wouldn't dream of.

-You have had to give up a favorite food or drink for the sake of your health.

-You are under 50, but have an "old lady pill box", potentially with more medications than your 75 year old relative.

-You have contemplated submitting your story to Mystery Diagnosis.

-You are the reason that your family or group of friends has to take a ton of potty breaks on a road trip.

-If there are less than four rolls of toilet paper left in your linen closet you will have an anxiety attack. 

-You have been the person to explain to strangers that their body does indeed have a pelvic floor.

-You have had a conversation with your bladder.

-You have been laughed out of the ER.

-You have left a doctor's office crying because someone told you "the pain was in your head".

-You're too nice of a person to wish this kind of pain on your worst enemy.

-You are thankful for any loved ones who believe in you and support every step you take in life.

-You have peed neon orange or blue before and you are pretty sure you are not an alien.

-You feel like smacking people who think you have a UTI or a back problem.

-You get frustrated when people ask you if you are "better yet", even though you have explained to them 10 times that your problem has no cure.

-You consider the phrase "but you look so good" an insult.

-You are glad I posted this list, because you thought you were the only one who had to deal with these things.


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