Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Insensitive Doctors...

I am lucky that after a long struggle, I am pretty comfortable with my set of doctors. Some of them even go above and beyond and are awesome.  Today however, I was forced to see a doctor outside of my usual set of four. A doctor I did not want to see. It brought me back to a sad time in my life.  This doctor was unprofessional and cruel.  He judged me, my regular doctors and my treatment.  I have fought too long and too hard and come too far to have someone bring me down like this. Unfortunately, I cried in front of him.  I cried not because I am weak, but because there was just no other way to let out emotion when someone is being unreasonable and unsympathetic.  

So I would like to give this message to the world...

Dear insensitive doctors,

You don't always know what is best for someone after meeting them for 20 minutes.  Many patients with rare conditions have to be their own advocates until they find proper care.  Just because we don't have a medical degree, doesn't mean we don't know what is best for our own bodies.  Just because your "textbook" patients respond well to your treatments, doesn't mean that they are appropriate for people with multifaceted illnesses. If you're a doctor of any sort, it is probably good to have some general knowledge on all sorts of conditions.  Using Google in front of me is not impressive. All you insensitive doctors could learn a thing or two from the doctors that listen to their patients.  You could take some tips from the doctors who will run that extra test or research that new treatment to help their patients.  Insensitive doctors, when did you stop being human and start being robotic?  It takes brains to graduate with a medical degree, but it takes a lot more than that to be a great doctor.

Love always,

One of the many people who have been brought to tears by an insensitive doctor

I thought my days of having to deal with insensitive doctors was over, but I guess we never know what curve balls life will throw us next.  It makes me thankful for the doctors that I usually see.  

Today I cried tears.  They were not silent this time.  They were actually quite embarrassing.  But crying this time made me realize something important.  It made me realize why this blog and other personal health blogs are important.  Us veterans of dealing with insensitive doctors can be there for the people who are experiencing these issues for the first time.

If you have been brought to tears by a doctor, know that you are not alone.


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